Monday, April 18, 2016

Love the Life You Live

I've had someone putting me down a lot for the last couple of weeks. The most uncalled for of all the things she's said to me was that I made a huge mistake moving to the Bay Area. 

To give you a little background, my boyfriend is from the bay but we met in LA, where I'm from. Since basically the day I met him I knew he wanted to move back up here so I've known all along that I'd be moving too if the relationship worked out. It very much did work out. About 7 months into it, he told me he wanted to move. When you have somebody this good it's just not an option to let them go so I knew I'd be moving too, which was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. 

I knew what I was giving up by moving, but I also knew what I was gaining by moving. I decided that moving outweighed staying and I've never looked back or doubted it. That's not to say it hasn't been hard. It's been incredibly hard. But also so worth it. It would've been so much harder to watch him leave without me and THAT'S what I would've regretted. I didn't want to give up the future I wanted. 

So back to now. We're still completely in love and I know I made the right choice. But it's still hard. We both had to start over from scratch at crappy, low-paying jobs but that's just how it goes. It's tough right now but I know what I'm doing and I know it'll be ok. Best of all, we have each other. 

Despite being sure of my reasons, it still REALLY sucks to have someone I work with with tell me flat out that I made a huge mistake and I'd be more successful if we had broken up and I had stayed in LA.  

I'm firm in my resolve, but hearing someone tell you how badly you messed up tends to make you think that maybe you did. Or at the very least it makes it harder to continue to believe in your decision. 

I wish I could say that it only made me more determined to do well in my life but in reality it crushed me a little bit. I've been climbing a very steep mountain, facing obstacle after obstacle, and she comes out of nowhere and lobs a boulder straight at my head. I made a really tough life decision. Everyone will have to at some point in their lives. Neither of the choices I had were ideal but what's the point of dwelling on the negative aspects of what I did choose? 

I decided to write about it here so that I could work through it and get it out of my head. Instead of being hurt by it I'm going to take it as a reminder that I took a chance. I gambled on something that was very uncertain but I went for what I wanted. I didn't let being afraid stop me. I AM PROUD OF THAT. And I'm not going to let one person's opinion - a person that doesn't even know how to correctly spell my name - determine how I feel about my life. 

I'm going to love the life I live. 

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